Credit card: types and advantages

A credit card is a type of bank card that lets you borrow money – credit – before paying it back with interest. They work as a type of loan, but instead of getting money in an account you get credit that you spend via the card, before paying back what you owe each month. Nowadays, credit cards are of various types with different fees, interest rates and rewarding programs. When applying for a credit card, it is important to learn about their different types to find the one that will suit best to your lifestyle or financial status. In… Continue reading

Car loans: what you need to know

When you take on a car loan to buy a car, your lender purchases the car for you and allows you to pay it back over a period of years. Essentially, the lender gives you the service of using its money, and in exchange, you compensate the lender for its services by paying interest. Most car loans use simple interest, a type of interest of which the interest charge is calculated only on the principal (i.e. the amount owed on the loan). Simple interest does not compound on interest, which generally saves a borrower money. However, simple interest does not… Continue reading

7 Different types of personal loans you should consider

A personal loan is a sum of money you borrow from an online lender, a bank down the street or a credit union you belong to. Once you receive funds, you begin repaying the lender on a predetermined schedule until you’ve paid back the loan in full. The best part about personal loans — and one reason they have surged in popularity — is the fact that these loans come with a fixed interest rate and fixed repayment term. Unlike credit cards, which come with variable rates and variable monthly payments based on how much you charge, personal loans come… Continue reading

The world’s largest banks by total assets

In the last years there have been many important events that have led to changes in the ranking of world’s banks by total assets. Some of the banks have risen in position, while others have lost positions. Also, many of them have gotten bigger, while others have gotten smaller. In this article we’re going to see which banks have become the largest and most important and which have become the smallest and less important. The ranking of the biggest world’s banks is built according to banks’ total assets, which are the assets owned by the entity that has economic value… Continue reading

Largest banks in the US by total assets

In the last years there have been many important events that have led to changes in the ranking of Us banks by total assets. Some of the banks have risen in position, while others have lost positions. Also, many of them have gotten bigger, while others have gotten smaller. In this article we’re going to see which banks have become the largest and most important and which have become the smallest and less important. The ranking of the biggest Us banks is built according to banks’ total assets, which are the assets owned by the entity that has economic value… Continue reading

The world’s 100 largest banks by total assets

In the last years there have been many important events that have led to changes in the ranking of world’s banks by total assets. Some of the banks have risen in position, while others have lost positions. Also, many of them have gotten bigger, while others have gotten smaller. In this article we’re going to see which banks have become the largest and most important and which have become the smallest and less important. The ranking of the biggest world’s banks is built according to banks’ total assets, which are the assets owned by the entity that has economic value… Continue reading

Top 52 largest banks in the US by total assets

In the last years there have been many important events that have led to changes in the ranking of Us banks by total assets. Some of the banks have risen in position, while others have lost positions. Also, many of them have gotten bigger, while others have gotten smaller. In this article we’re going to see which banks have become the largest and most important and which have become the smallest and less important. The ranking of the biggest Us banks is built according to banks’ total assets, which are the assets owned by the entity that has economic value… Continue reading

Current account: definition and types

Current bank accounts are very popular among companies, firms, public enterprises, businessmen who generally have higher number of regular transactions with the bank. The current account includes deposits, withdrawals, and contra transactions. Such accounts are also called the Demand Deposit Account. A Current account can be opened in most of the commercial banks. A current account being a zero-account, is generally associated with huge transactions on a regular basis. Because of the fluidity that these accounts offer, they don’t earn any interest. These also usually do not carry a limit on the number of transactions which can be made. Let’s… Continue reading

Top 62 largest banks in Europe by total assets

In the last years there have been many important events that have led to changes in the ranking of European banks by total assets. Some of the banks have risen in position, while others have lost positions. Also, many of them have gotten bigger, while others have gotten smaller. In this article we’re going to see which banks have become the largest and most important and which have become the smallest and less important. The ranking of the biggest European banks is built according to banks’ total assets, which are the assets owned by the entity that has economic value… Continue reading

Everything you need to know about loans

Loan contracts come in all kinds of forms and with varied terms, ranging from simple promissory notes between friends and family members to more complex loans like mortgage, auto, payday and student loans. Each type of loan serves a certain purpose for a goal you may have, whether it’s to buy a house or car, or to allow you to break up a big expense into more manageable monthly payments. Banks, credit unions and other people lend money for significant, but necessary items like a car, student loan or home. Other loans, like small business loans and those from the… Continue reading